Why Not Perform Tooth Extraction Instead of Root Canal?


A root canal technique comprises removing the diseased tissue and pulp, cleaning, filling, and sealing the tooth. Tooth extraction, on the other hand, is a [...]

Why Not Perform Tooth Extraction Instead of Root Canal?2023-03-09T02:02:40+00:00

How to Save Money on Tooth Extraction


Without insurance, the cost of a tooth extraction can range between $75 and $250. The most common and effective way to save money on [...]

How to Save Money on Tooth Extraction2023-03-29T12:07:18+00:00

Reasons for Tooth Extraction


Tooth extraction is a dentist's last option to treat your dental problems. It may be necessary to remove one or more teeth during a [...]

Reasons for Tooth Extraction2023-01-02T05:42:43+00:00
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