Wisdom teeth removal is the procedure of taking wisdom teeth entirely out of their sockets. Wisdom teeth are the last set of molars to erupt in the back of the mouth. Wisdom teeth removal is necessary when they are the cause of pain, infection, gum disease, or teeth crowding.

The removal of wisdom teeth is a simple, straightforward treatment that requires an average recovery of 3-4 days. Dr. Amit Shah has been treating patients with wisdom teeth removal surgery since 2002. Here we help you get your pain-free smile back with safe wisdom teeth removal.

Wisdom Teeth: What are They?

Wisdom teeth are referred to as the third molars in the back of the mouth. Wisdom teeth are part of the set of the largest and sturdiest molars that grind your food. Two wisdom teeth at the top and two at the bottom of the mouth complete your 32 adult teeth.

Our predecessors required wisdom teeth since their diet comprised raw meat, crunchy foods, and hard nuts. While some people only have a few wisdom teeth, others are completely devoid of them. This occurrence could be caused by dietary changes that have replaced the hard, raw meals of our ancestors with softer, prepared foods.

What is Wisdom Teeth Removal Treatment?

Wisdom teeth removal (extraction) is the process of taking wisdom teeth completely out of their socket. Wisdom teeth that erupt normally from the gums and are aligned properly do not need to be extracted. Wisdom teeth that cause pain, decay, or infection must be removed to avoid further dental issues.

Do I Need to Have My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Wisdom teeth that erupt at an angle or that become fully or partially impacted in the gums can cause a variety of problems. The following signs and symptoms call for wisdom tooth extraction.

  • Pain in the back of the mouth because of a wisdom tooth.
  • Food debris trapped around the wisdom teeth.
  • Periodontal disease around the wisdom tooth.
  • Tooth cavities or decay due to partial eruption of wisdom teeth.
  • A cyst or signs of infection around the wisdom teeth.
  • Injury to the teeth or bone near the wisdom teeth.
  • Overcrowded teeth.
  • Prevention removal for wisdom teeth that could cause problems in the future.

A wisdom teeth removal dentist should check wisdom teeth that have only partially erupted, are crooked/misaligned, or are angled to determine the best course of treatment.

Partially Erupted Wisdom Teeth

Partially erupted wisdom teeth are third molars that have not entirely emerged from the gums. Only the crown is seen when a wisdom tooth has only partially erupted or is impacted. Partially erupted wisdom teeth can cause dental pain that radiates to the jaw, throat, ear, and face. Plaque builds up and causes an infection around wisdom teeth that are impacted. The other molars often shift position as a result of the partially erupted wisdom teeth. Visit a dentist for wisdom teeth removal to avoid these problems brought on by partially erupted wisdom teeth.

Misaligned Wisdom Teeth

The misaligned eruption of the wisdom teeth pinches the soft tissues and gums in the gap between the last molar and the erupting wisdom tooth. The pressure and squeezing of the wisdom teeth on the surrounding structures results in swelling and pain. Untreated problematic wisdom teeth lead to other issues like infection, gum disease, or damage to other oral tissues.

Angled Eruption of Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth angled between 1 and 90 degrees toward the front or back of the mouth compress the molars next to them. Dental injury and pain result from this compression making removal necessary for angled wisdom teeth.

What Age Do Wisdom Teeth Grow Out?

Wisdom teeth start to grow between the ages of 17 and 25. It is easier to have wisdom teeth removed during these ages as the risk of complications is lower and healing is faster.

Do Wisdom Teeth Cause Pain?

Wisdom teeth that are impacted, angled or misaligned hurt because they are harder to clean and cause damage to other oral structures. These wisdom teeth develop cavities and infections which lead to more serious conditions if left untreated. Schedule a wisdom teeth removal right away if you have wisdom teeth that have not grown normally.

Is Having Wisdom Teeth Removal Surgery Painful?

You are given local anesthesia before having your wisdom teeth removed. A local anesthetic injection is used to numb the extraction site so that you would not experience any pain during the surgery. Only when the wisdom tooth is being pulled out of the gums will you feel pressure or pulling. Sedatives are administered to patients who are anxious about the procedure. Tell your dentist at once if you experience any pain while having your wisdom teeth removed.

How Long Before Pain Disappears After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Your pain will be highest 1-3 days after having your wisdom teeth pulled. The pain starts to subside from day 4 onward. The removal of wisdom teeth can cause bruising, edema, and inflammation in addition to pain. Wisdom tooth removal discomfort is managed at home with the use of ice packs and oral painkillers.

Step-by-Step Process: Wisdom Teeth Removal

There are generally 4 steps in getting wisdom teeth extracted.

  1. Injection of local anesthetic. Your wisdom teeth removal dentist numbs the extraction site with local anesthesia before the procedure. Sedation anesthesia is used for patients who are anxious about their wisdom teeth removal procedure.
  2. Incision in the extraction site. A small incision is made in the gums to expose the wisdom tooth. Surgical wisdom teeth removal may require cutting the wisdom teeth into smaller pieces prior to tooth extraction.
  3. Pulling the wisdom teeth. The wisdom teeth are loosened and lifted off their socket for complete removal.
  4. Cleaning of the extraction site. The wisdom tooth socket is disinfected and cleaned to prevent infection. Stitching is done to close the extraction site. You will then bite on a gauze pad to stop bleeding and promote blood clotting.

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Wisdom Teeth Surgery Recovery Time

The typical healing time following emergency wisdom teeth removal is 3-4 days. It takes a few weeks for soft tissues to fully recover. Follow your dentist’s advice post-wisdom teeth removal to ensure proper healing of the extraction site.

How Much Does It Cost to Have Wisdom Teeth Removal?

The price of removing a wisdom tooth ranges from $75 to $250. Impacted wisdom tooth extraction costs between $200 and $600. Wisdom teeth removal with general anesthesia is between $600 and $1,100. Check your insurance policy to find out how much your dental plan will pay for wisdom teeth removal.

FAQs for Getting Wisdom Teeth Extracted

Should I Have All 4 Wisdom Teeth Removed at Once?

Yes, dentists recommend removing wisdom teeth all at the same time. Costs for removing wisdom teeth one time are less compared to removing them separately.

What Will Happen if I Wait Too Long To Have My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Delaying the removal of wisdom teeth, especially if they are misaligned or have just partially erupted, can result in issues like pain, gum disease, cysts, and tooth decay. Problems that result from keeping troublesome wisdom teeth are harder to treat in the long run.

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